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发布时间:2023-01-19 19:01:03

㈠ 每个国家国旗的颜色及英语名称




英文名称:People's Republic of China。



㈡ 印度国徽和国旗英文介绍


The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of deep saffron, white and India green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel, in navy blue at its centre. It was adopted in its present form ring a meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on 22 July 1947, when it became the official flag of the Dominion of India. The flag was subsequently retained as that of the Republic of India. In India, the term "tricolour" (Hindi: तिरंगा,) almost always refers to the Indian national flag. The flag is based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress designed byPingali Venkayya.
The flag, by law, is to be made of khadi, a special type of hand-spun cloth, or silk made popular by Mahatma Gandhi. The manufacturing process and specifications for the flag are laid out by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The right to manufacture the flag is held by the Khadi Development and Village Instries Commission, who allocate it to the regional groups. As of 2009, the Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha has been the sole manufacturer of the flag.
Usage of the flag is governed by the Flag Code of India and other laws relating to the national emblems. The original code prohibited use of the flag by private citizens except on national days such as the Independence day and the Republic Day. In 2002, on hearing an appeal from a private citizen, Naveen Jindal, the Supreme Court of India directed the Government of India to amend the code to allow flag usage by private citizens. Subsequently, the Union Cabinet of India amended the code to allow limited usage. The code was amended once more in 2005 to allow some additional use including adaptations on certain forms of clothing. The flag code also governs the protocol of flying the flag and its use in conjunction with other national and non-national flags.
The emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath, preserved in the Varansi Sarnath Museum in India. It was adopted on 26 January 1950, the day that India became a republic.
The emblem forms a part of the official letterhead of the Government of India and appears on all Indian currency as well. It also sometimes functions as the national emblem of India in many places and appears prominently on Indian passports. The Ashoka Chakra on its base features in the centre of the national flag of India.
The usage of the emblem is regulated and restricted under State Emblem of India Act, 2005. No indivial or private organisation is permitted to use the emblem for official correspondence.
The actual Sarnath capital including four Asiatic lions standing back to back - symbolizing power, courage, pride, and confidence - mounted on a circular base. At the bottom it has 1 horse & a bull, at its centre it has a beautiful wheel . The abacus is girded with a frieze of sculptures in high relief of an elephant , a bull , a horse , and a lion , separated by intervening wheels, over a lotus in full bloom, exemplifying the fountainhead of life and creative inspiration. Carved out of a single block of polished sandstone, the capital is crowned by the Wheel of the Law.
In the emblem adopted by Madhav Sawhney in 1950 only three lions are visible, the fourth being hidden from view. The wheel appears in relief in the centre of the abacus, with a bull on the right and a galloping horse on the left, and outlines of Dharma Chakras on the extreme right and left. The bell-shaped lotus beneath the abacus has been omitted.
Forming an integral part of the emblem is the motto inscribed below the abacus in Devanagari script: Satyameva Jayate सत्यमेव जयते . This is a quote from Mundaka Upanishad, the concluding part of the sacred Hin Vedas.

㈢ 这是哪个国家的国旗,用英语怎么说

-Which country's national flag is this?

㈣ 英语怎么写,是哪个国家的国旗

是哪个国家的国旗,英语是:Which country's national flag is it?

which 英[wɪtʃ] 美[hwɪtʃ,wɪtʃ]
pron. 哪个; 哪一个; 哪一些; 那,指前面提到的事物;
adj. 哪一个; 哪一些;
[例句]Which do they want me to do? declare war or surrender?

country 英[ˈkʌntri] 美[ˈkʌntri]
n. 国家; 乡下; 国民; 地区;
[例句]Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.

flag 英[flæg] 美[flæɡ]
n. 旗; 旗帜; 信号旗; 菖蒲;
vt. 标示;
vi. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减;
[例句]The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag

㈤ 各国国旗的样子和英语


  1. 中国(China)

㈥ 世界各国国旗用英语怎么说

世界各国国旗National flag of countries all over the world
the Union flag(=the U - Jack)
Tricolour Banner
The French flag.
The national flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union

㈦ lndia是哪个国家的国旗

印度共和国(印地语:भारत गणराज्य;英语:Republic of India),通称印度(印地语:भारत;英语:India),位于10°N-30°N之间,南亚次大陆最大国家。东北部同中国、尼泊尔、不丹接壤,孟加拉国夹在东北部国土之间,东部与缅甸为邻,东南部与斯里兰卡隔海相望,西北部与巴基斯坦交界。东临孟加拉湾,西濒阿拉伯海,海岸线长5560公里。大体属热带季风气候,一年分为凉季(10月至翌年3月)、暑季(4月至6月)和雨季(7月至9月)三季。降雨量忽多忽少,分配不均。
印度是世界第二大人口大国 ,具有丰富的文化遗产和旅游资源。印度是当今金砖国家之一,也是世界上发展最快的国家之一,印度经济产业多元化,涵盖农业、手工艺、纺织以至服务业。虽然印度三分二人口仍然直接或间接依靠农业维生,近年来服务业增长迅速,日益重要。已成为全球软件、金融等服务业重要出口国。但同时也是个社会财富分配极度不平衡的发展中国家,种姓制度问题较为尖锐。

㈧ 请说出 俄罗斯、加拿大、美国、巴西、澳大利亚、意大利、印度、英国的国旗名称,国歌名称极其首都

俄罗斯 国旗:横条白蓝红 首都:莫斯科 国歌:俄罗斯联邦国歌(Государственный гимн Российской Федерации‎)

加拿大 国旗名:枫叶旗 首都:渥太华 国歌:哦!加拿大(O Canada)

美国 国旗:星条旗 首都:华盛顿 国歌:星条旗之歌(The Star Spangled Banner)

巴西 国旗:= =b绿底黄色菱形里面一地球 首都:巴西利亚(Brasília) 国歌:The Brazilian national anthem (from Portuguese: Hino Nacional Brasileiro)

澳大利亚 国旗:参考英属地区旗帜 首都:堪培拉 国歌:《前进,美丽的澳大利亚》(Advance Australia Fair)

意大利 国旗:竖条绿白红 首都:罗马 国歌:Fratelli d'Italia(意大利兄弟)

印度 国旗:横条黄白绿,白条上有个轮子 - - 首都:新德里 国歌:人民的意志(Jana Gana Mana)

英国 国旗名: Union Jack 首都:伦敦 国歌:天佑女王(God Save the Queen)



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