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发布时间:2022-03-04 07:44:40

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9. 谁来清理印度人的垃圾

据纽约时报报道:MUMBAI, INDIA — There is, we are told, a small island of plastic in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There was, we are told, a fatberg plucked out of the sewers of London. But nowhere in the world is dirt as visible as in India. It is so visible that for many Indians who return from America, even from New York, it isn’t the Grand Canyon or the Met they remember. It’s how clean the streets were.
That’s because you can’t get away from the dirt of India. My city, Mum, has an estimated 20 million people. According to one estimate, we proce 630 grams of garbage per person per day — that’s 12.6 million tons every day. Mum is also the richest city in the country, with one-third of the national income tax revenue coming from here. The richer you are, the more waste you proce.
And that’s only talking about the garbage we see. A doctor told me she can’t measure her patients’ Vitamin B levels accurately because fecal contamination through the tap water skews the numbers too much. Thecity’s 19th-century sewers often run right next to the water pipes and both are porous, and as you learned in Chemistry 101, if two liquids with different degrees of concentration are separated by something with teeny-tiny holes, osmosis will do the rest.
India now has its own clean-up campaign, inaugurated by a new-broom prime minister. This is well and good. No one can deny that being clean is. “Cleanliness is next to godliness,” my grandmother would say to my mother. “Then let’s be godly instead,” my mother would answer, tapping some more ash from a bidi on the floor. No one agreed with her. We Indians are cleanly people, we like to think. Hins and Muslims alike bathe every day because it’s in the scriptures. We wash our homes every day, and the urban middle class throws out yesterday’s drinking water because it is “stale.” But that’s the private sphere.
In the public sphere, we are consistently awful. Arthur Koestler once said that breathing the air in Mum felt like “a wet, smelly diaper was being wrapped around my head.” I returned from Delhi recently, and there I felt like my head had been stuck in the exhaust of a truck. Hundreds of ministers and bureaucrats and workers travel around the cityin hundreds of cars, each one in a single car with his or her own driver, each one sighing at the density of the traffic, each one complaining about the quality of the air, not one admitting to being part of the problem.
在公共领域,我们一贯很差劲。阿瑟·库斯勒(Arthur Koestler)曾说,呼吸孟买的空气就像是“在我的头上裹了一块臭烘烘的湿尿布”。我最近刚去过德里,我觉得呼吸那里的空气像是脑袋卡在了卡车排气管里。成百上千的部长、官吏和员工坐着成百上千辆汽车在城市里穿行,每个人都单独坐一辆车,配一个司机,每个人都在哀叹堵车之严重,每个人都抱怨空气质量,却没人会承认自己也是问题的一部分。

In 1901, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, as we like to call him, was struck by how the delegates at a meeting of the Indian National Congress in Calcutta had made the toilets of the house they were living in too filthy to use. Then they turned a verandah into an open-air latrine. Young Gandhi chided them but was told that cleaning the toilets was the sweepers’ job.

1901年在加尔各答的一次印度国大党(Indian National Congress)会议上,被我们尊称为国父的圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)惊讶地看到,代表们的住宿地的厕所被他们弄得污秽不堪,以致无法使用。然后他们把一个凉台变成了露天厕所。年轻的甘地指责了他们,但他们说,清洁厕所是清洁工的事。
Sweepers in India aren’t people who choose to be sanitation engineers. They’re people who are born to be sanitation engineers, and they are not supposed to hope to be anything else. They’re the outcasts of Indian society; “untouchables,” they used to be called, unseeables. Then Gandhi started calling them Harijans, People of God. They have since renamed themselves Dalits, the Broken People or the Oppressed People. Reservations — the Indian word for the affirmative action measures prescribed by the Constitution — may have helped many of them become doctors and lawyers and engineers, but most of the people who clean latrines in India still come from the Dalits. (When you take a mp on an Indian train, it falls onto the tracks. After the train has passed a manual scavenger, usually a Dalit, comes by and cleans up.) It is always going to be someone else’s job to keep things clean.
Dirt, it is said, is matter in the wrong place. Then what is the right place for it? We have garbage policies to deal with this, but they are not implemented. Although in Mum the government asks residents to segregate rubbish into wet and dry waste, municipal workers often mix everything into the same mpster.
There are still rag pickers and raddiwallas, the men who buy your old papers, bottles and whatever else you don’t want. Some of these things go back into the system. Old clothes are bought in the cities and sold in the villages. Used electronics get refurbished and returned into the market. CDs are painted over with religious symbols and hung in cars. We continue to recycle and upcycle.
But we can no longer keep up. There’s too much stuff being made now, thanks to the backwash of globalization. Plastic was once an exotic substance, and plastic bags were hoarded and exchanged with ritual solemnity. When I was in the third grade, in 1975, we used chalk on slate for rough calculations. We would write out our lessons in pencil, and every so often would be told to erase them and reuse the notebooks. At the end of every academic year, we would tear out all the unused pages and get them bound as a “rough note” book. No child would be caught dead with one of those now. We’re richer, we’re more style-conscious and we’re dirtier.

I remember my sister’s friend, Alice, and her love affair with the Marlboro Man, circa 1978-81. Alice’s cousin was in the airlines and he once brought their family some goodies in a plastic bag that had the Marlboro Man doing his macho thing on the outside. Alice used the bag for years, carrying her college books in it. One day, I went over to her house and her mother was at the sewing machine. The bag had split at the seam and was being repaired. Today, it would have ended up on the garbage heap or by the edge of a national highway. It would have become someone else’s responsibility.

我还记得姐姐的朋友爱丽丝(Alice),以及她对万宝路的男广告演员(Marlboro Man)的迷恋,那大约是在1978年到1981年间。爱丽丝的表亲在航空公司工作,有一次,他用一个塑料袋给家人带了一些东西,塑料袋上就印着万宝路男广告演员的硬朗形象。这个袋子爱丽丝用了好几年,大学时候还曾用它装书。有一天,我去了她家,看见她的母亲正在一台缝纫机上工作。原来是袋子的接缝处开了,她正在缝补。换做是今天,这个袋子可能已经被扔进了垃圾堆里,或者被丢弃在马路边上。它早就成了别人的责任。



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