㈠ 听不懂老外说话怎么办
For those of you still worried about making mistakes, you should just remember countries like Britain, America, Australia and Canada are all very
countries. Multicultural means lots of different cultures. In London alone there are people living here from all over the world. Most of them speak English but there are many different accents. Not everyone speaks perfectly and people do make mistakes.
But as English speakers, we don't worry about it. We are really used to (familiar with) hearing non-native speakers of English speak English. We don't care at all if they make mistakes as long as we can understand them. So as non-native speakers of English, you shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Small mistakes are fine. But even if you make big mistakes and people can't understand you, they will try to understand - or they will tell you if they don't understand. This gives you a chance to say again in different language what you want to say.
There will be times of course that people maybe won't understand you but you won't know that if you don't try to communicate. Just try your best and really DON'T WORRY. Your English is probably better than you think.
Someone talked about not understanding people when they speak English, so I thought today I would discuss
what you can say when you don't understand someone.
If someone is speaking really quickly, don't be afraid to ask them to speak more slowly.如果对方说话太快,可以大胆的请他们慢点说。
And don't be afraid to tell someone you don't understand.
I'm sorry I don't understand.
I'm sorry I didn't catch that. (I didn't understand)
You could just ask them to say the same thing again.
Would you mind repeating that sentence again - I didn't get what you said? (I didn't understand).
There is nothing bad about asking someone to repeat or speak slower. It's better to ask than to pretend you understand (make someone think you understand when you don't). It will really help you to communicate with English speakers. Sometimes they don't realise they are speaking so fast or using difficult words, so it's good for you to tell them.
I do understand the problems a lot of you are talking about. I studied French and German at university (a long time ago!) and I didn't have many French or German people to talk to. I made sure I listened to a lot of native speakers on the TV or radio or oncassettesfrom my teachers. I spoke to myself. I spoke to my classmates and I read a lot. Reading aloud (reading and speaking the words as you read) is also a good thing to do to practise speaking. Fortunately I did have a chance to visit those countries as they are not so far away as Britain or America is from China - but a lot of the time it was up to me to try to improve as best as I could without being able to speak to French of German people.
That is what you should all do with your English. I wish you LOTS of luck with your studies and I hope the advice helps.
㈡ 做外贸时听不懂印度人说的英语,该怎么办那
㈢ 急,老外讲英语听不懂怎么办
我雅思7分,其中听力8.5。 和一般性的外国人说话是没啥大问题的。但是如果碰到口音重的或者发音模糊的也会有听不清的情况。要知道 我们所听到的听力题目也好 新闻也好,都是非常标准而且正式的表达。想想我们中文的新闻主播的用词用语还有语速、清晰度,再想想我们平时说话,都会带点口音,或者比较模糊 带有连读等等。
不要太紧张,要知道咱总理的御用翻译大才女也会有听不清的时候。 很正常,人之常情.
你现在在国外 有很好的语言环境。总不会一点都听不懂吧,至少几句话中会有几个单词听出来,多听到后来就回听出来的越来越多。还有,悉尼的话,中国留学生不少的,也可以跟他们进行交流,或者在现在出国初期让他们在生活必需的谈话中教教你。~
㈣ 【听不懂老外讲的怎么办】英语口语怎么练
㈤ 怎样才能听懂印度英语
可以听一下印度当地广播,在网上都有的。比如RadioSure,下了装在电脑上,想听世界哪里的就听哪里的 你不要觉得听他们讲英语很难,你要试着去接受,如果一开始就排斥,那就有点难以接受了。你怕听不懂,就让他们讲慢点 他们只是口音比较重,并不是说很不标准。我就有遇到很多讲英语讲得很好的印度人。他们的口音,其实是与他们所受的教育有关的。 总的来说,我觉得印度人的英语比我们好,因为和他们聊天,经常会遇到生词的;从这就可以看出他们的词汇量比我们高很多了,毕竟他们日常交流都有用到英语 我就有个印度客户很可爱的,每次和我讲英语呱啦呱啦 ,讲得很快的,我还在想前半句的意思的时候,他已经又讲了好几句了。然后我让他讲慢点,他说OK,OK 就讲慢点,讲了几个单词,又恢复原样,我只能生气的看着他,他意识到自己讲得快,就放慢一点点,但也不会像VOA慢速英语那么慢了;感叹啊~ 还是我的英语基本不好,跟不上他的节奏
㈥ 尼泊尔的英语一点都听不懂怎么办
㈦ 一个人去印尼不懂英语啥都不懂但是必须去 换做是大家你们会怎么办
㈧ 听不懂印度人的英语怎么办
我记得印度人把T音发的很重,像thank you 他们一般说tank you
㈨ 想走印尼不会英语和印尼语怎么办困难吗