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发布时间:2023-01-05 09:42:57

① 印尼入关表怎么填写

Customer Declaration Card(海关声明卡)
Part A - All travellers (must live at the same home address)(A部分,所有的旅行者,必须居住在同一个地方)
Last name,first name, and initials(姓、名、缩写名)
Date of birth(生日)
Home address - Number, street(家庭地址,号码、街道)
Province or state(省或州的名称)
Postal/Zip Code(邮政编码)
Arriving by:Airline Flight No.(搭乘氖悄募液娇展�荆�嗷�谋嗪牛?
Purpose of trip:Study,Personal,Business(旅行的目的:学习、个人原因、商务)
Arriving from:U.S. only,Other country direct,Other country via the U.S.(从那里来:从美国、直接从其他国家来、其他国家途径美国来)
I am/we are bring into Canada:(我或我们带入加拿大的物品:下面的内容都选否)
Firearms or other weapons, Yes/No(武器)
Goods related to my/our profession and/or commercial goods whether or not for resale(e.g., samples,tools,equipment)(和我的职业或和商业有关的商品,如:工具、设备等)
Animals,birds,insects,plants,plantparts,soil,fruits,vegetables,meats,eggs,dairy procts, living organisms,vaccines(动物、鸟类、昆虫、植物、泥土、水果、蔬菜、肉类、蛋、乳制品、有机物、疫苗)
Articles made or derived from endangered species(用濒危物种制作的物品)
I/we have shipped goods which are not accompanying me/us.(有非随身携带的海运物品)
I/we will be visting a farm in Canada within the next 14 days.(我在14天之内会访问一个加拿大的农场)
Part B - Visitors to Canada(B部分,加拿大的访问者)
Duration of stay in Canada(days)(在加拿大逗留的时间)
Full values of each gift over CAN$60(所有价值超过60加元的礼品)
Special quantities:Alcohol,Tobacco(特别限定的数量,酒精、烟草)
Part C - Residents of Canada(Complete in the same order as Part A)(C部分,加拿大的居民,这部分不用填)
Part D - Signatures(age 16 and older)(签名,年龄在16岁或以上)



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