导航:首页 > 观意大利 > 意大利的烹饪学校有哪些


发布时间:2022-09-01 01:58:30

‘壹’ 世界西餐学校排行榜

在法国,雷诺特专业厨师学校Lenôtre是专业厨师再进修的最佳所在,和其他厨艺学院不同之处,是针对已有底子的师傅所开设的课程。而且蓝带,已在全球15 个国家,建立了25个厨艺学校。马来西亚泰莱学院酒店与旅游管理专业,可颁发法国图卢兹大学学位,包含烹饪方面的课程。马来西亚的云顶英迪学院就是有专门的厨艺专业的,亨饪方面的马来西亚跟法国和联办的多,不过劝你别来,这个国家怎么说。生活节奏很慢,容易堕落。 意大利ICIF学院 ,还有土耳其的,因为世界烹饪三大国家有中国,土耳其,法国.意大利厨师学校

‘贰’ 意大利、去哪学烹饪好


‘叁’ 意大利的哪所大学有烹饪的专业


‘肆’ 如果在美国高中毕业后想学习烹饪...有什么学校可以选择..就是国外的学校..美国..法国..意大利之类的..

美国学烹饪不错的, 你会说法语吗? 可以去le Cordon Bleu的法国总校。
意大利 Toscana Saporita Cooking School
美国的The Culinary Institute of America
1. International Culinary Schools at The Art Institutes
With a variety of programs in design, culinary arts, media arts, and fashion, The Art Institutes system of schools has more than 40 locations in North America as well as The Art Institute of Pittsburgh — Online Division. From Graphic Design to Web Design, Interior Design to Instrial Design, Fashion Design to Culinary Arts, our design schools have the right program for you.

2. Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America
Founded in a long tradition of excellence, Le Cordon Bleu’s reputation has enred by actively keeping our courses up to date and instry relevant by constantly adapting to the current and future needs of culinary, tourism and hospitality services.

3. Le Cordon Bleu International
Founded in a long tradition of excellence, Le Cordon Bleu’s reputation has enred by actively keeping our courses up to date and instry relevant by constantly adapting to the current and future needs of culinary, tourism and hospitality services.

4. The French Culinary Institute
The French Culinary Institute is a chef school where a world-class faculty, a dedication to the highest standards of excellence, extraordinary talent, and intense, Total ImmersionSM training converge in one exciting experience that's unlike any other in the instry. No other culinary art or pastry school prepares you for a satisfying, inspiring, highly successful career quite like The French Culinary Institute in New York City.

5. The Culinary Institute of America
For 60 years, The Culinary Institute of America has been setting the standard for excellence in professional culinary ecation. The faculty, facilities, and academic programs offered at our campuses in Hyde Park, NY and St. Helena, CA are second to none.

6. Strayer University
Strayer University offers students a quality culinary ecation that’s affordable, convenient, and supportive. Our flexible culinary programs make it possible for you to earn a degree in the culinary arts, without interrupting your personal or professional life.

7. University of Phoenix
With convenient culinary class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher ecation highly accessible. Whether you’re seeking a culinary arts associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work—and much sooner than you might expect.

8. Culinary Academy of New York & Long Island
The Culinary Academy of Long Island has been leading the way by helping students to prepare for a wide variety of positions in restaurants, hotels, resorts, catering and corporate dining.

9. Johnson & Wales University
The College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University can turn your passion for the culinary arts into a successful career in one of the world’s fastest growing instries.

Select from a range of culinary degree programs designed with instry input, including an integrated front-of-the-house curriculum so you’ll develop the business management skills necessary for career progression.

10. Kaplan University
At Kaplan University, you can train for one of many satisfying careers in just a matter of months. Our programs are designed with your future in mind. Every classroom and field experience provides the real-world skills and hands-on training you need, bringing you a step closer to your new career every day.

‘伍’ 全世界 最好的烹饪学校是那个


‘陆’ 全球排名前十的美食烹饪艺术专业院校有哪些


‘柒’ 世界有西餐专业的大学





3、恺撒里兹管理学院CESAR RITZ















‘捌’ 世界上有什么着名的烹饪学校

在法国,雷诺特专业厨师学校Len�0�0tre是专业厨师再进修的最佳所在,和其他厨艺学院不同之处,是针对已有底子的师傅所开设的课程。而且蓝带,已在全球15 个国家,建立了25个厨艺学校。马来西亚泰莱学院酒店与旅游管理专业,可颁发法国图卢兹大学学位,包含烹饪方面的课程。马来西亚的云顶英迪学院就是有专门的厨艺专业的,亨饪方面的马来西亚跟法国和联办的多,不过劝你别来,这个国家怎么说。生活节奏很慢,容易堕落。 意大利ICIF学院 ,还有土耳其的,因为世界烹饪三大国家有中国,土耳其,法国



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