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发布时间:2024-02-01 12:42:09

❶ 红(色)的外语表示,比如英语是red,德语是rot==国家语言越多越好哦

德语 rot


❷ 意大利的的英文

问题一:意大利的英文是italy还是italia Italy ['it?li] 意大利(南欧国家,首都罗马)[全称the Italian Republic 意大利共和国,意大利语 Italia]
Italia [i:'t丁:lj:] [意大利语] = Italy

问题二:意大利的英文名是什么 中文国名:意大利共和国
意大利语国名:Italia - 全称 la repubblica italiana

问题三:意大利以及意大利的城市“米兰”用英语怎么说? Italy milan

问题四:意大利的英文翻译? 英文中 ITALY是意大利(国家)的意思,ITALIAN 则是意大利的或者意大利人的意思。
意大利语中,ITALIA 是意大利(国家)的意思而 ITALIANO(阳性)或者ITALIANA(阴性)是意大利的和意大利人的意思。

问题五:意大利首都 英文 we see the spirits of our ancestors; to hear from the mountain-tops,

问题六:意大利英文简介 Of all European countries, Italy is perhaps the hardest to classify. It is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leading the way with each season's fashions. But it is also, to an equal degree, a Mediterranean country, with all that that implies.Rome is Italy's capital.Pizza and *** gna is the world famous food . 帮你改了一点,初一什么水平不太清楚,要讲四分钟有点难 你自己看下面的再改一点吧 Above all Italy provokes reaction. Its people are volatile, rarely indifferent to anything, and on one and the same day you might encounter the kind of disdain dished out to tourist masses worldwide, and an hour later be treated to embarrassingly generous hospitality. If there is a single national characteristic, it's to embrace life to the full: in the hundreds of local festivals taking place across the country on any given day, to celebrate a saint or the local harvest; in the importance placed on good food; in the obsession with clothes and image; and above all in the daily domestic ritual of the collective evening stroll or passeggiata - a sociable affair celebrated by young and old alike in every town and village across the country. Italy only became a unified state in 1861 and, as a result, Italians often feel more loyalty to their region than the nation as a whole - something manifest in different cuisines, dialects, landscape and often varying standards of living. There is also, of course, the country's enormous cultural legacy: Tuscany alone has more classified historical monume......>>

问题七:意大利的语言是英语吗? 大利的官方语言是意大利语(Italiano),属于印欧语系的罗曼语族.现在约有7千万人日常使用意大利语,大多数是意大利居民. 29个其它国家居民使用大利语,其中5个国家立它为官方语言.他们是: 圣马力诺,瑞士, 斯洛文尼亚, 梵蒂冈, 克罗地亚的Istria county.

问题八:意大利全称是什么,谢了 中文名称:意大利共和国
英文名称:The Republic of Italy

问题九:意大利用英文怎么说?怎么读? italy

❸ 求意大利简介 英文的~~


The flag of Italy (often referred to in Italian as Il Tricolore) is a tricolor featuring three equally sized vertical bands of green, white and red, with the green at the hoist side. Together with the national anthem, Il Canto degli Italiani (better known as Fratelli d'Italia), it is the symbol of Italy

Italy (it'ulē) [key], Ital. Italia, officially Italian Republic, republic (2005 est. pop. 58,103,000), 116,303 sq mi (301,225 sq km), S Europe. It borders on France in the northwest, the Ligurian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea in the west, the Ionian Sea in the south, the Adriatic Sea in the east, Slovenia in the northeast, and Austria and Switzerland in the north. The country includes the large Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia and several small islands, notably Elba, Capri, Ischia, and the Lipari Islands. Vatican City (see under Vatican) and San Marino are two independent enclaves on the Italian mainland. Rome is Italy's capital and largest city.

1Land and People
About 75% of Italy is mountainous or hilly, and roughly 20% of the country is forested. There are narrow strips of low-lying land along the Adriatic coast and parts of the Tyrrhenian coast. In addition to Rome, other important cities include Milan, Naples, Turin, Genoa, Palermo, Bologna, Florence, Catania, Venice, Bari, Trieste, Messina, Verona, Paa, Cagliari, Taranto, Brescia, and Livorno.

Northern Italy, made up largely of a vast plain that is contained by the Alps in the north and drained by the Po River and its tributaries, comprises the regions of Liguria, Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta (see Aosta, Valle d'), Lombardy, Trentino–Alto Adige, Venetia, Friuli–Venezia Giulia, and part of Emilia-Romagna (which extends into central Italy). It is the richest part of the country, with the best farmland, the chief port (Genoa), and the largest instrial centers. Northern Italy also has a flourishing tourist trade on the Italian Riviera, in the Alps (including the Dolomites), on the shores of its beautiful lakes (Lago Maggiore, Lake Como, and Lake Garda), and in Venice. Gran Paradiso (13,323 ft/4,061 m), the highest peak wholly situated within Italy, rises in Valle d'Aosta.

The Italian peninsula, bootlike in shape and traversed in its entire length by the Apennines (which continue on into Sicily), comprises central Italy (Marche, Tuscany, Umbria, and Latium regions) and southern Italy (Campania, Basilicata, Abruzzi, Molise, Calabria, and Apulia regions). Central Italy contains great historic and cultural centers such as Rome, Florence, Pisa, Siena, Perugia, Assisi, Urbino, Bologna, Ravenna, Rimini, Ferrara, and Parma. The major cities of S Italy, generally the poorest and least developed part of the country, include Naples, Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, and Taranto.

Except for the Po and Adige, Italy has only short rivers, among which the Arno and the Tiber are the best known. Most of Italy enjoys a Mediterranean climate; however, that of Sicily is subtropical, and in the Alps there are long and severe winters. The country has great scenic beauty—the majestic Alps in the north, the soft and unlating hills of Umbria and Tuscany, and the romantically rugged landscape of the S Apennines. The Bay of Naples, dominated by Mt. Vesuvius, is one of the world's most famous sights.

The great majority of the population speaks Italian (including several dialects); there are small German-, French-, and Slavic-speaking minorities. Nearly all Italians are Roman Catholic. There are numerous universities in Italy, including ones at Bari, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Turin, Paa, Palermo, and Rome.

Italy began to instrialize late in comparison to other European nations, and until World War II was largely an agricultural country. However, after 1950 instry was developed rapidly so that by the 1990s instry contributed about 35% of the annual gross domestic proct and agriculture less than 4%. The principal farm procts are fruits, sugar beets, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, grain, olives and olive oil, and livestock (especially cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats). In addition, much wine is proced from grapes grown throughout the country. There is a small fishing instry.

Instry is centered in the north, particularly in the “golden triangle” of Milan-Turin-Genoa. Italy's economy has been graally diversifying, shifting from food and textiles to engineering, steel, and chemical procts. The chief manufactures of the country include iron, steel, and other metal procts; refined petroleum; chemicals; electrical and nonelectrical machinery; motor vehicles; textiles and clothing; printed materials; and plastics. Although many of Italy's important instries are state-owned, the trend in recent years has been toward privatization. The service sector has growing importance in Italy; by the early 1990s it employed well over half of the labor force.

Italy has only limited mineral resources and has consistently increased its mineral imports; the chief minerals proced are petroleum (especially in Sicily), lignite, iron ore, iron pyrites, bauxite, sulfur, mercury, and marble. There are also large deposits of natural gas (methane), and much hydroelectricity is generated. Italy, however, is still greatly dependent on oil to meet its energy requirements, and most of it must be imported.

Italy has a large foreign trade, facilitated by its sizable commercial shipping fleet. The leading exports are textiles and wearing apparel, metals, machinery, motor vehicles, and chemicals; the main imports are machinery, transport equipment, chemicals, food and food procts, and minerals (especially petroleum). Tourism is a major source of foreign exchange. The chief trade partners are Germany, France, the United States, and Great Britain. The nation has greatly improved its highway system in the postwar years, especially in the South.

Italy's economy has deceptive strength because it is supported by a substantial “underground” economy that functions outside government controls. Despite significant government progress in the 1990s in its war against organized crime, the Mafia continues to exert a strong influence in S Italy, often hindering governmental programs aimed at integrating the region more fully economically and politically into the national scene. The spread of drugs has become a major problem in Italy, which has the highest incidence of drug addiction in Europe.

Under the 1948 constitution, legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament consisting of the 630-member chamber of deputies, which is popularly elected, and the senate, made up of 315 members elected by region, plus 11 life members. In 1994, 1996, and 2001, most deputies and senators were directly elected, with approximately a quarter of the seats in both houses assigned on a proportional basis. Changes enacted in 2005 returned the country to a fully proportional system for electing national legislators except for those seats awarded to the winning coalition as a bonus. The chamber of deputies is the more important body. The council of ministers, led by the premier, is the country's executive; it must have the confidence of parliament. The head of state is the president, chosen in a joint session by parliament. The country is divided into 20 regions, which are subdivided into a total of 94 provinces. The country's 20 regions also have parliaments and governments. As a result of a 2001 referenm that increased the regional powers, the federal government is responsible for foreign relations and national defense, public order and justice, election law, and environmental issues, with the regions in charge of all other matters.



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