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发布时间:2024-09-16 14:41:52

A. 我有一个笔友,他来自意大利,他喜欢练功夫和游泳,他喜欢吃意大利面用英语怎么

I have a pen friend. He is from Italy. He likes practicing kung fu and swimming. He likes eating spaghetti.

B. 意大利面英文介绍

History of Pasta

Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years. To begin to unravel the long an often complex world of pasta we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding this now worldwide food.

Many schoolchildren were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys in China. Another version states that Polo discovery was actually a rediscovery of a foodstuff that was once popular in Italy in Etruscan and Roman times. Well Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journey but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them, it was already there in Polo's time. There is some evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same rum wheat as modern pasta called "lagane" (origin of the modern word for lasagna). However this food, first mentioned in the 1st century AD was not boiled like pasta, it was cooked in an oven. Therefore ancient lagane had some similarities, but cannot be considered pasta. The next culinary leap in the history of pasta would take place a few centuries later.

Pasta Today

It is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person, per year easily beating Americans, who eat about twenty pounds per person. This love of pasta in Italy far outstrips the large rum wheat proction of the country; therefore Italy must import most of the wheat it uses for pasta. Today pasta is everywhere and can be found in dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca) varieties depending on what the recipes call for. The main problem with pasta today is the use of mass proction to fill a huge worldwide demand. And while pasta is made everywhere the proct from Italy keeps to time-tested proction methods that create a superior pasta.

Dried Pasta

There are roughly 350 different shapes and varieties of dried pasta in Italy, even more counting regional differences. Shapes range from simple tubes to bow ties (farfalle, which actually means "butterfly"), to unique shapes like tennis rackets (racchette). Many, but not all of these types are usually available wherever pasta is made. By Italian law dried pasta must be made with 100% rum semolina flour and water, a practice that all but the worst quality pasta makers worldwide have since adhered to. However there are two factors in dried pasta from Italy that make it typically better than most other procts: extrusion and drying methods.

Dried pasta, especially the more complex shapes (such as radiatore) are designed for grabbing and holding onto sauces. Dried tube pasta (ziti or penne) often has ridges or slight abrasions on the surface to hold onto the pasta sauce as well. These ridges and bumps are created ring the extrusion process, when the pasta is forced from a copper mold and cut to desired length before drying. These molds, while expensive and prone to wear are favored for making the best dried pasta. However most procers worldwide use steel molds that proce pasta that is too smooth to hold onto sauce. Fortunately more pasta makers outside of Italy are starting to use the older style copper molds.

After the pasta is cut it must be dried using a process of specific temperature and time. This is another area where mass proced pasta falls short of good Italian pasta made the correct way. The mass proced pastas are dried at very high temperatures for a shorter time than quality pasta. Traditional pasta is allowed to dry slower, up to 50 hours at a much lower temperature. It is after the pasta is fully dried that it is packaged. The result is a proct with a much better mouth-feel, quicker cooking time, and superior sauce holding noodles.

C. 装B必备,这些意大利面用英文到底怎么说

spagetti: 通心粉,pasta: 意大利面食,简称意面。spagetti只是pasta的一种。特别是如果你吃到的pasta不是空心的那种(即:通心粉),那么你的装逼也就失败了。

D. 意大利面用英语怎么说





Italy face

意大利面的相关 短语

烘烤意大利面 Chesee spaghetti

意大利面酱 pasta sauce ; Sauce ; Tomato Paste ; Italian pasta sauce

西红柿意大利面 Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce

烟花女意大利面 Pasta alla Puttanesca

完美意大利面 perfect pasta

番茄意大利面 Spaghetti with tomato sauce

经典意大利面 classic Italian noodles ; Classic pasta ; Classic Italy

腊肉炒意大利面 dried meat fried pasta ; Fried bacon pasta ; Bacon fried Italy


1. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.


2. He began to feed in the spaghetti, carefully separating the strands.


3. Drain the pasta as soon as it is cooked.


4. He used to cook up great cauldrons of pasta.


5. Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.


6. They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta.


7. Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.


8. Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad?

爸爸,意大利面好了 吗 ?

9. Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce.


10. Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.


11. Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.


12. People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house.


13. OK , well, if you want a good grade, you're gonna Iook past the spaghetti.

很好, 如果你要高分, 你要试着不去想意大利面.

14. Jessica: Well, you know how much I like pasta.

洁西卡: 唉唷, 你知道我多爱吃意大利面啊.

15. It's a tiring day, time to eat. We ate pasta somewhere nearby.

走了一整天, 也是时候吃东西. 我们在附近吃意大利面.


1. 意大利的英文是什么

2. 意大利的英文怎么说

3. 意大利面用餐礼仪

4. 意大利用英语怎么说

5. 意大利面的吃法礼仪



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