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发布时间:2024-11-17 15:26:03

❶ 莎拉布莱曼维也纳现场经典翻唱珍珠港主题曲Sarai Qui(这首歌的中文意思是啥)

[00:02.00]Sarah Brightman - Sarai Qui (feat. Alessandro Safina) - Symphony
[00:15.52]Quando penso ai giorni che│When I think of all the days│当我回想起那些日子
[00:19.30]Ho passato insieme a te│I have shared with you│与你一起度过
[00:23.47]Io vorrei che tu tornassi qui│I want you to come back│我多希望你能回到这里
[00:27.87]Per non lasciarmi mai│And not leave me anymore│从此再也不离开我
[00:31.67]Chiudo gli occhi ci sei tu│I close my eyes and you are there│闭上眼你就浮现在眼前
[00:35.53]Aa me non pensi piu'│I don't think about myself anymore│而你早已把我忘记
[00:39.68]Tu sarai sempre quii│You'll always be here│你永远会在这里
[00:48.23]Il mio cielo splende di quell'anima che haai│My sky shimmers because of your soul│我的天空闪耀着你的灵魂
[00:55.61]Nel mio cuore per tutta la vita tu un posto avraaai│In my heart there's always be a place for you│我的心里永远留有你的一片天空
[01:04.17]Io non ti chiedo dove seei│I don't ask where you are│我不会问你在哪里
[01:10.54]E dove io saro' sarai quii│And where I am,there you'll be│有我的地方就会有你
[01:18.50]E dove io saro' sarai qui…│And where I am,there you'll be│有我的地方就会有你
[01:28.51]Quello che mi hai dato tu│I will never be able to forget│我再也无法忘记
[01:32.65]Non potro' scordare piuu'│All the things you gave me│你给与我的
[01:36.55]E per sempre mi ricordero'│And I will always remember│我会永远记住
[01:40.88]La forza che mi dai│How strong you make me feel│你给我的力量
[01:44.63]Ce l'ho fatta grazie a te│I made it│让我坚持到现在
[01:48.17]Coon l'amore dato a me│Thanks to your love│是你给我的爱
[01:52.90]Tu sarai sempre quii│You'll always be here│你会永远在这里
[02:01.00]Il mio cielo splende di quell'anima che haai│My sky shimmers because of your soul│我的天空闪耀着你的灵魂
[02:08.64]Nel mio cuore per tutta la vita tu un posto avraaai│In my heart there's always be a place for you│我的心里永远留有你的一片天空
[02:17.00]Io non ti chiedo dove seei│I don't ask where you are│我不会问你在哪里
[02:23.72]E dove io saro' sarai quii│And where I am,there you'll be│有我的地方就会有你
[02:29.25]La mia luce accendi tu│You switch on my light│是你带给我光明
[02:31.69]E sai perche'│And know why│并且明白
[02:36.91]Io mi sento forte│I feel so strong│我如此坚强
[02:39.04]Solo grazie a te│Just because of you│只是因为你
[02:43.90]Tu sarai sempre quii│You'll always be here│你永远会在这里
[02:47.98]Tu sarai sempre quii│You'll always be here│你永远会在这里
[02:56.20]Il mio cielo splende di quell'anima che haai│My sky shimmers because of your soul│我的天空闪耀着你的灵魂
[03:04.73]Nel mio cuore per tutta la vita tu un posto avraaai│In my heart there's always be a place for you│我的心里永远留有你的一片天空
[03:12.51]Io non ti chiedo dove seei│I don't ask where you are│我不会问你在哪里
[03:19.75]E dove io saro' sarai quii│And where I am,there you'll be│有我的地方就会有你
[03:27.35]E dove io saro' sarai qui…│And where I am,there you'll be│有我的地方就会有你
[03:40.98]Sarai qui│Be here │你会在这里


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